Insight Paper

Ahead of the Curve: Navigating 10 Key Imperatives for Community Colleges Across the Next Decade

Position your community college for success in a rapidly changing landscape.

EAB experts have compiled a summary of 10 critical imperatives shaping the next decade. Unlock the skimmable insights, actionable recommendations, and valuable resources needed to navigate evolving higher ed perceptions, talent markets, student expectations, and technology advancements.

Explore these key imperatives and more:

  • Strengthen career-focused dual enrollment pathways.

  • Prepare for students facing math barriers.

  • Future-proof your talent strategies.

  • Showcase your ROI – answering the “is college worth it?” question.

  • Embrace AI and work smarter, not harder.

Stay ahead in a competitive market. Access the full list of imperatives and empower your institution now and for years to come. Complete the included diagnostic to help you identify your starting point if you are unsure.

Download the insight paper now to review the full list and prepare for the challenges and opportunities ahead.

Access the insight paper