
360-Degree Student Equity Audit

Are your policies and programs helping or harming historically underserved students?

COVID-19 has intensified equity gaps across all stages of the education continuum—including college readiness, enrollment, and completion. There is no better, or more urgent, time for higher ed leaders to critically evaluate the policies and practices that fail to support historically underserved student groups.

The first step to improving equity on your campus is to identify areas where your institution falls short.

Take this diagnostic to understand where you need to invest, across college access, student financial stress, academic and career support, learning environments, and campus belonging, and learn how to implement equity initiatives with the holistic planning tool.

Download the Diagnostic
Want more on this topic?
Our resource center, Equity in Education, curates over 30 resources that will help you and your colleagues lead conversations about equity on campus and drive institutional change.