
Combating Enrollment-Demand Capacity Mismatches

Academic Performance Solutions | New Insight

Realign Resources to Meet Changing Enrollment Patterns

  • As colleges and universities become increasingly dependent on enrollment to generate essential revenue, it is alarming to learn that most institutions are experiencing unpredictable swings in enrollment, with rapid growth in some programs and sharp declines in others.

  • How do we adjust our instructional capacity to avoid mismatches with enrollment?

  • Shifting student demand patterns—for example, high demand amongst full capacity courses and the changing mix of credits with which students enter their first semester, are both contributing to less predictable enrollments across terms and years.

    As this trend continues, it is increasingly important for institutions to realign resources to combat these discrepancies and produce balanced demand-capacity enrollment in the years to come.

    In this four-page resource, our experts will help you:

    • Identify student demand and instructional capacity mismatches
    • Understand new instructional capacity metrics
    • Make data-informed decisions about resource allocation
    • Learn specific strategies to realign capacity with demand

    Complete the form on the right to access the latest resource.

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