EAB & HUMANE Workshop Series 2021



As the world becomes more interconnected, universities are discovering more opportunities to benefit from international partnerships. However, increasingly complex global challenges and competition requires institutions to take a highly centralized and coordinated approach.

With this in mind, EAB and HUMANE are pleased to host a virtual workshop series for university leaders. Across the three sessions, EAB experts guided participants through a comprehensive international partnership strategy and facilitated small-group discussion amongst peers.
Session 1: Cultivating an International Partnership Portfolio
     - Identify institutional strengths and align partnerships with university goals
     - Implement a database of existing partnerships and relationships on campus
     - Craft an international strategy champion and vision to implement a global brand

Session 2: Identifying Opportunities for New and Expanded Partnerships 
     - Expand into new markets and activities within existing partnerships
     - Collect data on partnership ROI and communicate impact on university goals
     - Live discussion with Tayyeb Shah (University of Western Australia), Dora Longoni (University of Padua), David Ouchterlonie     (University of Nottingham), and Marcelo Tavora (Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná

Session 3: Empowering Academic Staff and Unit Leaders to Make Smarter Partnership Decisions
     - Analyze deterrents related to foreign interference and cybersecurity concerns
     - Examine methods to incentivize and engage faculty in international efforts
     - Understand levers to reduce risks to institutional finances and reputation