On-Demand Webinar

How Equity Work Led Carthage College to Their Highest Recorded Retention Rate

Like many of their peer institutions, Carthage College’s student success outcomes were hampered by ongoing equity gaps. Students of color and Pell-eligible students persisted and graduated at lower rates than the institutional average. Despite the school’s commitment to improving student outcomes, the lack of formal structure around improvement efforts, as well as poor data visibility, limited the impact of their efforts.

In 2021, Carthage partnered with EAB’s Moon Shot for Equity initiative. This served as a unifying force, bringing together existing equity-focused endeavors from across campus and fostering greater cohesion. Three years later, Carthage's efforts—centered around their commitment to always pausing to ask, “Are we placing an unnecessary barrier to student success?”—resulted in their highest recorded retention rate and a remarkable 40 percentage-point increase in the retention of their Black student population.

In this on-demand Q&A-style webinar, Abigail Hanna, Carthage’s Vice President for Administrative Planning and Innovation, joins Moon Shot for Equity’s Managing Director, Ellyn Artis, and shares the details of Carthage’s impactful Moon Shot partnership. Watch the recording as they:

  • Review Carthage’s journey toward closing equity gaps, including what student success barriers they identified and reformed
  • Explore how Moon Shot for Equity created structured opportunities that allowed Carthage to apply an equity-minded lens to data
  • Connect the dots between streamlined processes for students and a reduction in equity gaps, showcasing the benefits of agile change management for institutions of all sizes
  • Learn about the next phase of Carthage’s Moon Shot partnership

Watch the On-Demand Webinar



Vice President for Administrative Planning and Innovation


Managing Director, Moon Shot for Equity