
Future Proof Network Powered by Strategic Advisory Services

The Future Proof Network is a community of higher education leaders committed to putting in the work necessary to move beyond the status quo and prepare their institution to compete in an increasingly competitive market. EAB’s campus-wide research and advisory support help you holistically assess institutional health and financial performance to set and execute a comprehensive strategy.

How to Apply

To apply, please fill out the form below. EAB’s partnership team will support executive cabinet members with work streams that drive toward measurable progress for each strategic priority. Suggested titles: President, Provost, CFO/CBO.
Seats are limited for this opportunity, so please complete the form below at your earliest convenience to apply to join the cohort. An EAB Expert will then be in touch with further details. Should you have any questions, please email Chandler Jenkins at [email protected].
Apply to Our June 2024 Cohort of the Future Proof Network