Download the 2020 Community College Case Study Compendium to read 11 diverse case studies. Learn about a range of best practices for improving student outcomes and helping students see a return on education. Regardless of region or campus size, each of the highlighted schools leverages Navigate in a way that suits their unique culture and mission.

Case Study Compendium
What Will Your School's Success Story Be?
What Will Your School's Success Story Be?
Community colleges across the country currently use Navigate, EAB’s student success management system, to support, engage, retain, and graduate their students. These partners have leveraged our research, technology, and customized consulting to drive student success on their campuses, seeing impressive results in the first year of partnership and beyond.
Community colleges across the country currently use Navigate, EAB’s student success management system, to support, engage, retain, and graduate their students. These partners have leveraged our research, technology, and customized consulting to drive student success on their campuses, seeing impressive results in the first year of partnership and beyond.
Many of these colleges are seeing meaningful shifts in key metrics, from staff efficiency to persistence to reducing equity gaps.
Download our book of results and search by topic, school size, or type of result.
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