On-Demand: Leveraging Technology to Improve Transfer Recruitment

Complete the form to the right to download the on-demand materials, including the slide deck, recording, and related blog posts.
  • Enrollment leaders are increasingly looking to transfer students to augment their undergraduate enrollments and boost tuition revenues. Across the past several enrollment cycles, EAB has been helping schools to meet their transfer goals through the Transfer Portal. This student and administrator-facing platform applies technology and enrollment best practices to build prospective transfer interest, capture stealth leads, support application rates, maximize yield, and ensure a successful transition to campus.

    In this on-demand webinar, Transfer Consultant Allison Ray Akalonu and Partner Development Manager Aviah Altman share the philosophy behind the technology and provide a live walk-through of EAB’s Transfer Portal. Download the on-demand resources to learn how to:

    • Develop a better approach to answer a top transfer prospect question: “How will my credits transfer?”
    • Apply new strategies to support transfer enrollment and create a seamless transfer-student exploration process.
    • Leverage technology to provide an automated progress-to-degree estimate for prospective transfer students.

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