How the University of South Carolina transformed academic advising to improve the student experience

Student Success Collaborative | Case Study

The University of South Carolina (USC) enrolls 25,556 undergraduate students and has a six-year graduation rate of 73%

  • Although the University of South Carolina (USC) was a high-performing school with growing enrollment and impressive outcomes, many students were not satisfied with the disjointed and unstandardized advising structure.

  • To connect advising and student support offices across campus, USC established an advising taskforce and implemented solutions like strategic early alerts based on EAB’s best practices and technology. 

  • How did this help?

    During a time of substantial enrollment growth, USC saw a 3.7% increase in their four-year graduation rate. They also experienced a 1% increase in their six-year graduation rate.

    Download the case study to see how these practices could make a difference at your school.

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