Case Study

How Utah Tech Uses Edify to Improve the Effectiveness of Student Success Initiatives

Utah Tech University (UT) ran various initiatives to improve the student experience, including reenrollment campaigns, identifying students in need of support for direct outreach, proactive advising first-year students, and analyzing holds data to improve visibility. However, they couldn’t effectively measure the impact of their efforts because they lacked consistent processes for pulling relevant data.

EAB’s Edify provided UT’s Institutional Effectiveness and Student Success teams with the data confidence to evaluate, analyze, and refine their student success efforts and improve the student experience.

Through their partnership with Edify, UT saves significant staff time by centralizing key information and data and providing more supportive touchpoints for students throughout their academic journey. The data-informed insights have helped UT’s IE and Student Success teams improve student outreach, communication, and advising. After adjusting their practices accordingly, UT saw a four percentage-point increase in fall-to-fall retention.

Download the case study to learn how UT achieved these results.
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